Commercial Landscaping Services in Ozaukee County
Turf Tenders Inc. can help any business owner bring their ideal landscaping ideas come to life. Transform your outdoors to the living space of your dreams. Whether it's renovating an existing landscape or starting from scratch on a commercial space or business we can help. Turf Tenders also services residential customers with complete landscaping services.
Our landscaping service includes:
Finish grading
Lawn installation/renovation
Retaining walls
Drainage issues
Complete landscape installation
Mulch/Decorative stone installation
Tree/shrub installation
Erosion control

Commercial Landscaping Services in Southeast Wisconsin
Turf Tenders is honored to provide commercial landscaping services in the cities of Belgium, Cedar Grove, Germantown, Hartford, Jackson, Lannon, Menomonee Falls, Mequon, Oostburg, Random Lake, Richfield, Slinger, West Bend and beyond!

We draw clients from:
Washington County, Ozaukee County,
West Bend, Hartford & Sheboygan Wisconsin.
If you’re nearby and your community is
not listed, contact us today!